Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage originates from the traditional Indian system of medicine, known as Ayurveda and is also known as ‘Champissage’, from ‘Champi’, the Hindu word for head massage. The aim of Indian Head Massage is to help balance both the mind and body through relaxation, rejuvenation and increased energy levels.

It relaxes the upper body, the areas most vulnerable to stress and tension. A gentle massage to the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face, helps to dispel stress, relieve tension and promote healthy hair and scalp. Using shiatsu and acupressure techniques, it stimulates vital energy centres, promoting a sense of well-being and positive energy.


Benefits include:

Improved blood circulation

Increased blood flow can also promote new hair growth

Relief of stress and tension

Clears mind, improving altertness and concentration

Balancing, giving feeling of calmness

What does it involve?

Your first appointment will begin with a consultation when I will ask you about your current health, medical history and emotional well-being. All details are held in the strictest of confidence. The treatment will last approximately 30 minutes and is performed while you are seated. The massage is very versatile in that it can be done directly onto the skin or through the clothes, with or without oils (you may choose from coconut, sesame, sweet almond or olive oil dependant on your skin type). During your treatment, soothing background music is played to help you feel relaxed and at ease.

How will I feel after a treatment?

Most people experience a general feeling of well-being, calmness and relaxation.

Who can benefit from Indian Head Massage?

Indian Head Massage is suitable for all ages and can be especially helpful for the following symptoms:

Stress and tension




Bell’s Palsy

Headaches and migraines





Eye strain

Aftercare advice:

Drink plenty of water, to help flush toxins from the body

Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol

A quiet 24 hours if possible, avoiding strenuous activity

If oil has been used, it is advisable to leave it on for a few hours to help nourish the skin, hair and scalp.

When washing your hair, apply shampoo to the hair before water, to help emulsify the oil.

£28.00 per half hour appointment slot

Ready to find out more?

You can contact me using the contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.